Kris Alexander
Der Autor
Loves books & maps and spending time in small independent book shops on his many travels all over England, Europe and North America. In the summer he works as an outdoor guide, barista and collects ideas for his stories. The rest of the year he loves spending time in coffee houses around Europe, as he writes. He spent a long cold winter by the Danube in Vienna cat sitting and writing this book only a stone’s throw away from the famous Prater. Many chapters of this novel were written in a Kaffeehaus in the heart of Old Vienna.
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Almost Blonde von Kris Alexander
Genre: Humor, Englische Bücher, Krimi
Edward Miller. Twenty-nine and single, with zero prospects.
Determined to beat his Oh-my-God-I’m-almost-thirty panic attack into submission, Edward sets out to change his life for the better. Along the way he attempts to tackle his frustrated bachelor status (eventually becoming fabulously too successful) while taking on one of the world’s most oddball jobs.
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